इस मेसेज को पढ़े जरूर
अगर कोई मुझसे पूछता है कि VESTIGE क्या है,
मैं बड़े excitement से कहता हूँ /बताता हूँ कि VESTIGE भारत देश की पहली कंपनी है, जिसमे बिना investment करे, बिना investment कराये आप लाखों रुपये कमा सकते हैं,
सुबह सुबह अपने आप से कुछ सवाल कीजिये और सोचिये कि क्या आप यह सब करते हैं कि नहीं …. और यही नहीं आप ऐसे कितने लोगों को जानते है जो यह सब करते है कि नहीं …..
1. क्या आप टूथ पेस्ट करते हैं …
2. क्या आप टूथ ब्रश काम लेते हैं …….
3. क्या आप चाय पीते हैं ….
4. क्या आप साबुन से नहाते हैं ….
5. क्या आपके घर में hair oil लगता है …
6. क्या आप घर मे food supplements use karte ho
7. क्या आप के घर में deo ya men care products use होते हैं …
8. क्या आप कभी बालो में शैम्पू काम लेते है ….
9. क्या आप खाना पकाने का ऑयल काम लेते है…
10. क्या आप स्वस्थ रहने के लिए कुछ सप्लीमेंट्स लेते हैं
11. क्या आप अपनी त्वचा का ख्याल रखते हैं ….
12. क्या आप सुन्दर दिखने के लिए फेशियल कराते है या करते है …
14. क्या आपके घर में कोई भी लिपस्टिक एवम् नेल पॉलिश काम लेते है ……
और बहुत कुछ आपकी सुबह से शाम तक महीने की शुरुआत से अंत तक कितने ही प्रॉडक्टस आप काम लेते हैं ….
क्या आपने कभी यह सारे प्रोडक्ट्स VESTIGE के लिए ….. अगर हाँ तो बहुत अच्छा … लेकिन अगर न हो तो जल्द ही लीजिये क्योंकि आज तक जहां से आप यह सब चीज़े खरीद रहे हैं या खरीद रहे थे क्या वहां से कुछ मनी बैंक में आया क्या, कुछ एक्स्ट्रा पैसा केवल इन प्रोडक्ट्स को लेने से कमाया क्या … ।
अगर नही….. तो क्यों नहीं सोचते कि सारे प्रोडक्ट्स बेहतरीन क्वालिटी एवम् मनी बेक गारंटी के साथ आपको अगर यूज़ करने से घर में धीमे धीमे एक बहुत बड़ी आय का स्रोत बन जाए तो कैसा लगेगा आपको एवम् आपके मिलने वालो को। सोचिये ….. आप एक बहुत अच्छा काम करने जा रहे हैं आप बहुत सारे परिवार की जिंदगी बदलने जा रहे हैं केवल घर में काम आने वाले प्रोडक्ट्स को काम लेने से …. तो आइये आज से ही कसम खाये कि आप बहुत सारे परिवारो की जिंदगी में बदलाव लाएंगे … केवल एक छोटी शुरुआत आप सबकी जिंदगी बदल सकती है । सबसे पहले शुरुआत आप सब कम से कम अपने घर में हर महीने 800/- से 1000/- का प्रोडक्ट्स काम लेने का वादा करे ।।
Zero investment में इतनी बड़ी opportunity भारत में पहली बार,
zero investment कैसे हुआ, ये ध्यान से पढ़िए और समझिये क्योंकि हम जिन लोगों को products देते हैं, उन्होंने वो FMCG products वैसे भी किसी न किसी shop से लेने ही होते हैं, हमने तो सिर्फ उनकी shop बदली है,
पहले वो लोग without gurantee products लेते थे, जिन products की quality पर question mark था, अब हम उन लोगों को 100 % satisfaction gurantee वाले products उसी price पर दे रहे हैं जिस price पर वो पहले भी लेते थे,
सिर्फ अपनी shop को बदलकर कोई व्यक्ति अच्छी क्वालिटी के products VESTIGE से लेता है तो वो investment कैसे हो सकता है,
तो दोस्तों हुआ न zero investment पर अपने ओर अपने लोगों के सपने पूरे करना,
आप अपने लोगों को कह सकते हैं कि india की पहली mlm company जिसमे zero investment में आप अपने सपने पूरे कर सकते हैं VESTIGE INDUSTRIES आपके और आपके मिलने वालो का अच्छा भविष्य बनाने के लिए तत्पर टीम VESTIGE पूरी जानकारी के लिए कॉल करे|
Sauraj Chaudhary आप का मित्र
VESTIGE FOR EVERYBODY: Join Vestige our fastest growing Vestige Team
1. DOCTORS: The doctors can recommend our health supplement products to their patient. They will get performance incentive, retail profit, foreign trip, car fund, house fund. They will be working independently. They can enjoy unlimited income. The patients getting the benefit of the products will come to him again and again and will join Vestige and take the products throughout life!
1. DOCTORS: The doctors can recommend our health supplement products to their patient. They will get performance incentive, retail profit, foreign trip, car fund, house fund. They will be working independently. They can enjoy unlimited income. The patients getting the benefit of the products will come to him again and again and will join Vestige and take the products throughout life!
Full Vestige Business Plan: How to Join in Vestige?
2. Writers: Content writers and authors and poets can do creative writing with Vestige and its products and can earn well with good performance incentive, foreign trips, car fund, house fund, and an income which the publishers cannot afford and have health as well as wealth and obesity, which is a common problem with sedentary jobs in writing will be solved by our excellent food supplements.
3. Instruments Players, Singers and Dancers: Vestige has great food supplements that generate a lot of energy like Spirulina, Protein Powder, Aloe Vera, etc. Vestige gives them the chance to travel abroad and help them achieve a car, house of their own. The singers and dancers can help their students fulfill their dreams and help them get the chance of foreign trip, car, house also. It can bring smile to many talented students of poor families and help them get achieve an income they have never dreamed of.
3. Instruments Players, Singers and Dancers: Vestige has great food supplements that generate a lot of energy like Spirulina, Protein Powder, Aloe Vera, etc. Vestige gives them the chance to travel abroad and help them achieve a car, house of their own. The singers and dancers can help their students fulfill their dreams and help them get the chance of foreign trip, car, house also. It can bring smile to many talented students of poor families and help them get achieve an income they have never dreamed of.
4. Modeling: Vestige has many products of personal care and food supplements. There is a lot of opportunity to earn well from modeling and the models get car fund, house fund, foreign trip if they work sincerely at Vestige. They can also maintain their health with our international quality health supplements. They can help their friends in modeling field with our health supplements and personal care products.
5. College Students: Vestige has excellent products for college students, both girls and boys. They can use our products and recommend them to their friends. Their friend uses them and feels indebted to their friend for showing the right path of earning and fulfilling their dreams. So the college students can enjoy a career in Vestige where there are regular foreign trips, car fund, house fund and performance incentives! The college students can help their parents with our international quality food supplement products.
6. House Wife: Many housewives feel bored and can start it and create a healthy family as well as bring wealth. The company offers foreign trips, car fund, house fund and performance incentives. They can solve problems of obesity, osteoporosis, skin, dental and improve memory. Our supplements for solving heart and cancer problems can help them avoid those diseases and avoid the expenses of costly medical tests and treatment.
7. Social Work: Products of Vestige can used by people of all categories in our society. You can generate employment of many boys and girls and in this present job scenario, you can help people earn a living and they can do this business on their own terms and at any place in India. They can do it in their convenient time. So a student, a retired person, a housewife, a professional in any field, a government employee can do this as a part time income opportunity. You can create HEALTH AWARENESS PROGRAM through Vestige and make people health conscious.
8. Real Estate: We offer house fund to Vestige members doing excellent performance. So the real estate developers and agents can join here and all those who enroll for their house, they can offer them this company’s food supplement and personal care products. Personal care products are indispensable for every house and health supplements are so important that we can use them for preventing life threatening disease, obesity etc. The customers of real estate can be shared about the opportunity of foreign trip, car fund, house fund and the benefits of lifetime income from it.
9. Car Sellers: Those who are selling cars – both new and used can use our Vestige products. Our products are excellent for them as it will give them a car in future without any significant investment. Everybody is using personal care products like hair oil, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc. We cannot avoid them. We are also using health supplements sometimes for healthy body. So why not join a company that is providing health and wealth for 9 years to Indians? Why not get a CAR without any Loan or any other installments? So join Vestige and get a car ! You also get foreign trip. You get an earning opportunity free from boss and you can do it any time and at any place in INDIA. So what are you waiting for? Join now!
10. School Children : They need our products as our product improve memory. Memory is important for retaining all knowledge. Our products help them get a smooth skin in winter with our moisturizer. They can get chocolates of high nutritional value. They will use our toothpaste and toothbrush that has international standard! Their parents will join and give them those products. They can enjoy a foreign trip with their parents, enjoy riding a car, a new house from Vestige. They will be able to fulfill their dreams if their parents join Vestige.
11. Sportsmen and Athletes: Our international standard health supplements is great for athletes. They get a chance of improving their performance by taking spirulina, aloevera, and many other products like neem, protein powder, slimming capsules, detox patch, etc. They can share with their friends and earn well and they can get the chance of foreign trips, car fund, house fund, performance incentive. I have heard many talented players had to starve in their old age. So Vestige can support their lives wonderfully if they start using products and recommending to their friends. Their life and their friends’ life will change wonderfully!
12. Software Professionals and Engineers: Vestige is good for software professionals and engineers. They work for long hours in office and Vestige Foot Patch, aloe vera, slimming capsules are great as it will prevent obesity and help them to detoxify. They can help their colleagues get wealth and health for lifetime. They can solve their problems as well as their parents with excellent health supplement products which can be consulted and taken.
13. Promotion of Business: The products of vestige are important for all. The products are affordable. The products are available throughout India. The business can be done according to your desire. It can help you get maximum number of social contacts for the growth of your business. A person taking vestige products from you also comes to know about your business. It is the cheapest way of promoting your business and the most effective way of finding new clients.
5. College Students: Vestige has excellent products for college students, both girls and boys. They can use our products and recommend them to their friends. Their friend uses them and feels indebted to their friend for showing the right path of earning and fulfilling their dreams. So the college students can enjoy a career in Vestige where there are regular foreign trips, car fund, house fund and performance incentives! The college students can help their parents with our international quality food supplement products.
6. House Wife: Many housewives feel bored and can start it and create a healthy family as well as bring wealth. The company offers foreign trips, car fund, house fund and performance incentives. They can solve problems of obesity, osteoporosis, skin, dental and improve memory. Our supplements for solving heart and cancer problems can help them avoid those diseases and avoid the expenses of costly medical tests and treatment.
7. Social Work: Products of Vestige can used by people of all categories in our society. You can generate employment of many boys and girls and in this present job scenario, you can help people earn a living and they can do this business on their own terms and at any place in India. They can do it in their convenient time. So a student, a retired person, a housewife, a professional in any field, a government employee can do this as a part time income opportunity. You can create HEALTH AWARENESS PROGRAM through Vestige and make people health conscious.
8. Real Estate: We offer house fund to Vestige members doing excellent performance. So the real estate developers and agents can join here and all those who enroll for their house, they can offer them this company’s food supplement and personal care products. Personal care products are indispensable for every house and health supplements are so important that we can use them for preventing life threatening disease, obesity etc. The customers of real estate can be shared about the opportunity of foreign trip, car fund, house fund and the benefits of lifetime income from it.
9. Car Sellers: Those who are selling cars – both new and used can use our Vestige products. Our products are excellent for them as it will give them a car in future without any significant investment. Everybody is using personal care products like hair oil, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc. We cannot avoid them. We are also using health supplements sometimes for healthy body. So why not join a company that is providing health and wealth for 9 years to Indians? Why not get a CAR without any Loan or any other installments? So join Vestige and get a car ! You also get foreign trip. You get an earning opportunity free from boss and you can do it any time and at any place in INDIA. So what are you waiting for? Join now!
10. School Children : They need our products as our product improve memory. Memory is important for retaining all knowledge. Our products help them get a smooth skin in winter with our moisturizer. They can get chocolates of high nutritional value. They will use our toothpaste and toothbrush that has international standard! Their parents will join and give them those products. They can enjoy a foreign trip with their parents, enjoy riding a car, a new house from Vestige. They will be able to fulfill their dreams if their parents join Vestige.
11. Sportsmen and Athletes: Our international standard health supplements is great for athletes. They get a chance of improving their performance by taking spirulina, aloevera, and many other products like neem, protein powder, slimming capsules, detox patch, etc. They can share with their friends and earn well and they can get the chance of foreign trips, car fund, house fund, performance incentive. I have heard many talented players had to starve in their old age. So Vestige can support their lives wonderfully if they start using products and recommending to their friends. Their life and their friends’ life will change wonderfully!
12. Software Professionals and Engineers: Vestige is good for software professionals and engineers. They work for long hours in office and Vestige Foot Patch, aloe vera, slimming capsules are great as it will prevent obesity and help them to detoxify. They can help their colleagues get wealth and health for lifetime. They can solve their problems as well as their parents with excellent health supplement products which can be consulted and taken.
13. Promotion of Business: The products of vestige are important for all. The products are affordable. The products are available throughout India. The business can be done according to your desire. It can help you get maximum number of social contacts for the growth of your business. A person taking vestige products from you also comes to know about your business. It is the cheapest way of promoting your business and the most effective way of finding new clients.
1. No target.
2. Always promotion.
3. Chance of foreign trip.
4. Car fund.
5. House fund.
6. Performance incentive.
7. Can be done at any time.
8. Can be done at any place.
9. Can generate an employment for those willing to work independently.
10. Can help those who want a side income.
11. Can help the senior citizens.
12. Can help those generate a fund who have no pension scheme.
13. It can help you fulfill your dream and the dream of others.
Contact Sauraj chaudhary 8287764681
SKYPE: usoft_sandeep
Email: ask.vestigemarketing@gmail.com
1. No target.
2. Always promotion.
3. Chance of foreign trip.
4. Car fund.
5. House fund.
6. Performance incentive.
7. Can be done at any time.
8. Can be done at any place.
9. Can generate an employment for those willing to work independently.
10. Can help those who want a side income.
11. Can help the senior citizens.
12. Can help those generate a fund who have no pension scheme.
13. It can help you fulfill your dream and the dream of others.
Contact Sauraj chaudhary 8287764681
SKYPE: usoft_sandeep
Email: ask.vestigemarketing@gmail.com
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